Sunday, 25 October 2009

A can of LOL.

The other day I drunk a whole can of LOL.

No, I wasn't in hysteria. LOL is a new kind of carbonated fruit juice (a whole 99% fruit juice! ZOMG@!!!!!@#!@!!!!!ONEW!!!! - altho 1%'s all you need to still something toxic in).
It's made by Golden Grove in Australia (maybe elsewhere too, I don't know nor care) and it, well, doesn't really taste all that awesome. It's not bad, it's just not good. Although it feels like you're drinking a UDL or Red Bear mixed vodka drink. I swear that remaining 1% not-fruit-juice is vodka.

I find this funny though, as this comes after the iSnack 2.0 debacle where people got emotional over naming a new vegemite product something so crud. But then that makes me ask - Why are you so emotional over something that looks like they put tar or crude oil in a jar and marketed it as spread for your toast?! Seriously, it's as if the Queen has gone an' knighted George W. Bush Jr and revived the East India Company and put him in charge!  Although that would be hilarious.


  1. The LOL factor's not in the fruit juice, it's in the name itself! When stupid selfreference and crude honesty unite, you get this: LOL effect caused just by naming it after what you want to achieve: LOL's.

    I would love to get one of those... at least for the can, I don't care much about the juice itself :P

  2. I think they stopped making them unfortunately, not a big surprise though, the taste wasn't that awesome (the name was though). I wish I still had that can though! :P
